Yarns Unspun – The One Before Christmas


Good morning and Happy Christmas.

How are you all?  Its been a while hasnt it.  I thought I would pop on and let you know what our hours are over the coming Christmas Holiday period and also to let you know that we have tons of gorgeous yarn related gift ideas in store waiting for you this week if you are looking for some super yarny gifts.  From our very own Harrogate Yarn Company yarn to Emma Ball project bags, new Kate Davies books and the fabulous hand dyed Malabrigo and Urth Yarns we have so much to spoil you and gift vouchers to boot in case you just dont know what to buy the yarny folk in your life, let them chose their own purchases, a gift voucher from us is very much a popular option.

I don’t know about you but im also in a quandry about what to cast on as my betwixmax knit (or maybe crochet, or both eek) this year.  What are you planning on making?  Leave me a comment below and give me some inspiration.

Whatever your plans this coming festive season I hope you have a safe, warm and happy time.

Happ Christmas

Fi & The Yarnistas xx


2 thoughts on “Yarns Unspun – The One Before Christmas”

  1. All the best for the festive season to you all.

    I just finished those Kate Davies socks with the afterthought heel.
    Not my favourite heel method, hence taking sooo long. They turned out nice though.

    I also finished the cowl for my friend’s 60 th birthday -the one that Fiona helped me with choosing suitable colours and then I went and did something completely different! Still, I have some lovely yarn for another project.

    Now catching up with this year’s advent knit kit from Wee County Yarns. That’ll keep me busy over the holidays.

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