Polina Sweater

Pretty Polina Pullover

Well here she is, this is my version of the Polina sweater that has been taking the knitting world and Ravelry by storm (pattern here Ravelry: Polina pullover pattern by Teti Lutsak).  There are so so many gorgeous interpretations of this pattern and we have been having fun running a Polina ‘Make-a-Long’ over the last few months via the Shop’s dedicated FB group and every single Polina that is being made is just looking so different in style and colour and colourwork repeats that its just the most interesting addictive make!!

As you will see from mine it is one of the more minimalistic sweaters with just the one repeat of the colourwork sections but its just as I wanted it and its going to be worn to death this coming autum/winter around the shop.  The green and mocha look great together but it was a hard choice to make in the end as there are just so many colours I could have chosen, its not like im spoiled for choice in our shop is it haha.

Can you tell I started this beauty in the winter months haha, my plan was to have it finished months ago but life, work and essential knitting got in the way so here it is, in all its glory, in the middle of June just in time for our British Summer (although the way its going round here with the weather it might get its first outing next week lol).

Ive made it in the gorgeous BC Garn Semilla Cable GOTs 100% wool yarn we have in the shop BC Garn Semilla Cable GOTs – Yarn etc… which is a chainette construction machine washable yarn and it is just fabulous – there are a load of different colours available in store and its a lightweight dk and can pass as a sport weight too for patterns like the Polina (go me, I even did a tension square for this one!!)

Have a look at the Polina pattern on Rav for more inspiration and pop in and see us if you want some help with picking out yarns – quite a few of our fabulous locals are making it in the Stylecraft Recreate DK Stylecraft ReCreate DK 100g recycled yarns – Yarn etc… – again a lightweight DK which converts well for this pattern.

Here’s some of the progress of some of our other Make-a-long girls’ sweaters – they are all just fabulous are’nt they 🙂

Made with a selection of 4ply yarns held double by Jackie

Stylecraft Recreate DK in grey and cream by our own Lucy

Recreate again in cream and coraly/pink by Val

Grey and cream Stylecraft Recreate by Hilary

Look at the beautiful work in progress shot by Jackie

BC Garn Semilla Cable

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